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Lorna Murray engages in slow textiles production - we do not mass-produce products with factories and we follow a zero-waste design process, as closely as possible. Instead, all hats and accessories are lovingly hand-woven and handmade by our artisans in our studio. Given each item is carefully handmade, naturally, each hat will often have its own imperfections and slight differences and we love the story they tell.

Outlet is a selected range of our samples and second stock. These products are characterised with slight imperfections. The thread consistency may change between each production cycle. This includes dying, weaving and stitching and may include, but is not limited to, a softer or looser weave, a loose thread, missing grass fibre, twisted fibre, small dye stain or a discontinued style. Being a sustainable brand, we would like our customers to enjoy these hats regardless of these imperfections, rather than them going to waste.

All Outlet sales are final. For more details, view our Outlet Policy here.