Press & Editorial

Harpers Bazaar Australia - June 2023
Vogue Australia - March 2022

Style Magazine | Family Issue | April 2023
Creative direction - @styletracy, Photographer - @ladylike, Styling - @courtneyyfrank and @bethan.warrior.creative, Talent - @setunova of @castawaymodelmanagement,
HMUA - @becwilsontheartof, Videography - Meds and Jeremy of @thecommunitycreatives, Location - @sofitelbalinusadua
Blanc Magazine
Spring 2023

Vogue Australia, May 2022
Gyre The Label - Australian Fashion Week 2022 @gyre_thelabel @ausfashionweek
The Australian Women's Weekly, January 2023 Fashion Editorial Page
Photographer - Corrie Bond, Assistant - Jose Domene, Digital - Henrique Fanti, Stylist - Paige Victoria Leigh, Make Up and Hair - Cherry Cheung, Model - Summer Kizito Kane
& The Australian Women's Weekly, December 2022 Christmas Gift Page

The Hollywood Reporter- April 2022

Lux Source Magazine - March/April 2022

Good Weekend - January 2022

Travel & Leisure - April 2019
Vogue Japan, September 2020, Change/Sustainability, Words by Maki Saijo, Editor: Mayumi Numao;
featuring campaign Photography: Jazuli Henderson-Smart @dreambelievers; Hair & Makeup: Dana Lambert @danabanannasyd; Model: Fernanda Janke @ferjanke; Swimwear: Angie Xylas @angiexylas
featuring product photos from Japan stockists; Olsen Olsen @olsenolsen_______, Lily Sourire @lilysourire & Orient @orient_ig
Hooligans Magazine, Issue No. 24, May 2020, Photography: Amanda Hestehave @amandahestehave; Styling & Art Direction: Natasscha Girelli @girellinatasscha;
Styling Assistant: Maarina Ansaldo @marinagracee; Hair & Makeup: Ulla Jacobsen A Management @ulla_jacobsen; Hair & Makeup Assistant: Alexandra Christiansen
@alexandrachristiansen_; Photography Assistant: Mark Dexter The Lab @_markdexter, Models: Malou L, Mila C, Sofoia and Nura B @1kidmodel management, Maraylou @marooms_com and Liv
FY Magazine - About Tomorrow Editorial | Photographer: Tim Marsella at lga, Stylist: Rosanna Pendleton at Frank Agency,
Stylist: Kate van der hage at era, Hair & Make Up: Brooke Neilson using pür cosmetics maria nilas
Green Picnic Editorial for Milk Magazine Korea 2020 | Editor: Kim Min Hyung; Art Director & Stylist: Maria Montane @mariamontane_; Photographer: Manuela Franjou @mesenfantssauvages; Models: Zoe, Dante, Kala, Cyan; Brands Featured: Lorna Murray, Play Up, Belle Chiara, Little Creative Factory, Princesse Au Petit Pois
Piccoli Principi Swimwear Photoshoot | Photographer: Amy Carson
Luna Magazine August 2020 | Photography: Camila Gutierrez // @camilagh; Photo and Production Assistant: Gabriela Zaldivar // @bushwickblues; Styling: Patricia Cedeno and Maria Montane // @patriciacedenoo @mariamontane_ @creativeduobypm; Wardrobe Assistant: Arva Bharmal // @arva_m_bharmal; Models: Charis, Kaylee, India and Maxwell @ohlssonmgmt
Brands: Caramel London @caramellondon; Wander and wonder @wandernwonderkids; Long live the queen @longlivethequeenofficial; Coco au lait @coco_au_lait; Aymara @aymara_belgium
HAT Lorna Murray @lornamurray_; Carla Colour @carlacolour; Junia Kids Sunglasses
Green Thumb Editorial in Style Piccoli April 2020 | Photography: Silvia Tenenti; Hair and Makeup: Cristina Crosara

Diego Rivera's Studio: A Visual Scape Editorial for Babiekins 2020 | Direction by Diana and Maria; Photography by Diana Tamayo @diana_g_tamayo; Styling: Maria Montane
Assistant: Danielle Juliao @atplay__; Makeup: Denisse Martinez; Models: Priscila, Mina and Peach; Agency: Next_Kidz; Clothes by: Bellerose @belleroseofficial; Long live the queen @longlivethequeenofficial; LCF @littlecreativefactory; Bonmot @bonmot_organic; Accessories by: Knot hairbands @knothairbands; Lorna Murray Apparel Hats @lornamurray_ Shoes by: Birkenstock @birkenstock; Veja @vejakids

Kid's wear Magazine VOL.50 | Photography @achimlippoth ; Styling @francesca.bisceglia; Grooming @antonella_gaglio; Styling Assistant @giorgiapipoli Grooming assistant @maraliquadri; Digital Assistant @i.marcomazzone; Clothing:
@ilovepero COLLECTION SS20; Hats: Lorna Murray Apparel